Chatbots for Health: New Basil Strategies Partnership + Events in Boston and Miami

October 18, 2017
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A chatbot is a computer program designed to simulate conversation with the people using it.  Some key considerations are the relevance of the health problem and the solution,  the attractiveness of the interface, privacy protection, and whether the bot can integrate health records. While the program can be  complex and capable of learning and formulating algorithms, chatbots can also be based on simple rules that require no coding ability. Given the rising interest in chatbots for health, Basil Strategies is partnering with Pastel Health,  a French start-up that produces  chatbots, an open innovation chatbot platform, and chatbot challenges.
Chatbot Challenges for Health are one-day events during which teams, formed among the participants, identify a health problem, create a prototype chatbot, and compete for the possibility to develop their prototype into a final product after the challenge.
Basil Strategies brings to the partnership, its digital health network and deep understanding of digital health tools, events, and communication.  Denise Silber, founder of Basil Strategies and an eHealth pioneer and strategist, was recently identified as #11 social media influencer in  healthtech globally.

October 21st in Cambridge Mass. will be the site of the first “Chatbots for Health Challenge” Pastel Health  co-founders, Dr Jacques Durand, a disruptive physician, and Frederic Gonnet, the creative techie will host this exciting event. As Dr Durand notes “Chatbots are the new generation of user interfaces, providing new ways to solve healthcare problems, because they instantly adapt to the user, thanks to natural language processing.”

To participate:–tickets-37304651216  Participants will gain practical experience in using design thinking, co-construction, and open innovation to develop a new interactive solution to an existing problem, and all in one day.  The October 21st Challenge will take place with the support of the Cambridge Innovation Center and French Tech Hub, organizations devoted to the creation of value through innovation.  French Tech Hub — a growth accelerator for startups in the US — is excited to be a partner of this event, in its mission to help innovative entrepreneurs accelerate their growth in the U.S.

October 26th evening in Miami: A Health Chatbot Roundtable will be held at CIC, Miami, with hosts Dr Jacques Durand and Frederic Gonnet. To register

Contact Basil Strategies or Pastel Health regarding sponsorship opportunities.
